Summer Programs

Summertime at Arma Dei

We offer a variety of enriching opportunities in the summer both inside and outside the classroom. Our goal is to provide a Christian, educational, challenging, and fun-filled summer experience to our students.

Summer Reading and Math

Summer Reading

A child’s summer should be filled with adventure, learning, growth, and wonder. What better way to start the adventure than by diving into a great book?

What is required?
Students entering grades 3-12 will have one required book to read (see the list below). Each teacher will plan discussions and activities based on the book during the first week of school. Students should be ready to discuss the characters, setting, main idea, themes, key details, and overall plot of the book.  

Rhetoric students must buy the specific version of their book, listed below, and annotate it as part of the summer reading assignment.

  • Entering 9th - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (students must buy and annotate this version)
  • Entering 10th - Confessions by St. Augustine (students must buy and annotate this version)
  • Entering 11th - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (students must buy and annotate this version)
  • Entering 12th - Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (students must buy and annotate this version)

Tolle Lege is Latin for “Take up and read!”
All students K-8 are encouraged to compete against one another in our annual Tolle Lege reading contest. Students who read at least 1000 minutes over the summer will be able to participate in an ice cream party during the first week of school. Awards will be presented for the students who read the most minutes in their grade, as well as the top three readers in the school overall. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Reading minutes must be entered through the parent portal between June 1-5, July 1-5, August 1-5, and August 13 in order to count for the contest. Instructions will be provided in the June 1 newsletter.
  • Students entering grades 3-8 should only keep track of the minutes they personally read.
  • Students entering grades K-2 may also include minutes someone else reads to them. 
  • While audiobooks are wonderful, students may only count audiobook minutes if they are reading along at the same time.
  • Students are not required to read from a certain list of books, but rather are free to read what interests them and fosters a love for reading and learning. Parents are encouraged to guide their children toward literature that points them to the True, Good, and Beautiful. Click HERE for ideas of what to read.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Knedlik.

Enjoy the adventure!!!

Summer Math

Each school year, students work hard to memorize math facts and strengthen problem-solving skills. This math ability can be compared to a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. The opposite is also true; the less used, the weaker it gets. Working on math over the summer helps prepare your child to start the next school year well!

We have compiled review resources that cover the math content from this past year. The first resource for each grade level reviews basic concepts. The second provides both basic practice and more challenging problem-solving tasks. In addition, or as an alternative to these print resources, we recommend for adaptive practice with immediate feedback. Finally, if you have specific materials you would like to use (e.g., a workbook, games, practice flashcards, app, or website) that strengthen your child’s skills, please feel free to use them. There are countless resources for math practice online: see additional resources below.

While reviewing math content and practicing skills is optional for K-8 students over the summer, we encourage students to spend roughly 10 minutes each day, a few days a week, engaging with math materials. Students benefit most from a little practice most days throughout the break (as opposed to multiple hours completing the optional packets all at once). 

Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Practice and dedication help one grow in his or her proficiency in math, and we are grateful for your help in continuing this over the summer.

Summer 2024 Math Packets

If you have any questions, please contact Josh Catron.

Designed to help students practice the skills that they’ve learned during the school year. These summer programs have helped students grow in his or her proficiency and prepare students for the next school year.