The Grammar Level

School of Grammar

In the early grades, students enjoy reciting, memorizing facts, and demonstrating what they know. The curriculum and teaching methods utilized during the grammar stage play to the students’ natural abilities and interests, equipping them with the rules and basic facts of each academic discipline. The Grammar school curriculum builds the foundation and focuses on the “building blocks” necessary for future development.

Kindergarten Curriculum

Kindergarten students begin a chronological study of the Old Testament narrative. Additionally, systematic phonics instruction, number sense development, and character formation are key tenants of the kindergarten program.
View Curriculum

1st Grade Curriculum

First-grade students see God' story unfold in the New Testament, and further develop phonics, spelling, and reading skills through direct instruction. Students study early American history and strengthen their basic skills using manipulatives.
View Curriculum

2nd Grade Curriculum

Second-grade students begin a chronological study of history and Bible beginning with Ancient civilizations and the Old Testament. Works of literature that inspire imagination and character development are read and discussed while foundational grammar and writing skills are emphasized.
View Curriculum

3rd Grade Curriculum

Students in third grade continue a chronological study of history and Bible focusing on Ancient Greece and Rome. Great works of literature that integrate with the historical time period are read, discussed, and analyzed. Grammar and writing skills are developed and refined through direct instruction, projects, and repetition.
View Curriculum

4th Grade Curriculum

The Middle Ages and Renaissance come alive for the fourth-grade students. Organized around the outline God has provided through history, literature, grammar, and writing skills are enhanced.
View Curriculum

5th Grade Curriculum

Fifth-grade students begin to look at historical themes as they dig into early American history starting with explorers and ending with the Civil War. Students' love and understanding of God develops through their study of the Gospels and an integrated biblical worldview continues across all subjects.
View Curriculum

Kindergarten Curriculum

Kindergarten students at Arma Dei Academy begin a chronological study of the Old Testament of the Bible, which serves as the history course as well. Reading and math skills are also a central focus. Additionally, handwriting, beginning grammar, and science are studied.

Bible & History

Kindergarten students at Arma Dei Academy begin a chronological study of the Bible in the Old Testament, weaving in history from ancient Egypt as well.

Bible: Old Testament (English Standard Version)

  • Creation
  • Adam and Eve
  • Noah and the flood
  • The tower of Babel
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
  • Moses and Egypt
  • Holiday narratives:  Christmas and Easter 

Each subject is taught from a biblical perspective at Arma Dei Academy. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is a critical component of the curriculum.

Character Qualities

Attentiveness, Obedience, Truthfulness, Orderliness, Gratefulness, Forgiveness

The Logic of English

Logic of English: The Logic of English is a systematic, multi-sensory approach to learning how to read, spell, and write. In Foundations A & B students gain phonemic awareness, learn to read and write basic phonograms, and increase reading fluency through structured and playful activities.  

Phonics, Spelling, and Reading Instruction: LOE Foundations A & B

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Sounds of A-Z
  • Short Vowel Words
  • Long Vowels
  • Schwa Sounds
  • Multi-letter phonograms
  • 7 Spelling Rules
  • Composing phrases

Learning To Read At Arma Dei (download) 


Penmanship: The innovative Rhythm of Handwriting™ method, which is integrated within the Logic of English curriculum, aids students in developing fluid handwriting. Beginning in kindergarten, students learn cursive penmanship.

  • Taught and practiced using a rhythmic approach
  • Targets and develops both gross and fine motor skills
  • Emphasizes uppercase and lowercase letter formation and spacing

Math in Focus: A Singapore Approach

Math in Focus answers the call for a coherent sequence of topics giving students time to master foundational topics, so that little repetition is required the next year. Thus, each grade level covers fewer topics but in more depth.

Kindergarten students will build an understanding of foundational math concepts through songs, rhymes, and hands-on activities.

  • Use concrete models to create a set with a given number of objects up to 20
  • Use cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • Use numbers to represent quantities
  • Count up and back
  • Count by 2s and 5s
  • Compare and order sets

God Made Music K
Introduction to Music

  • Rhythm clapping and tapping
  • Singing on key and in tempo
  • Movement to music
  • Folk Songs, children's worship songs with movement, hymns, and attribute songs
  • Basic elements of art
  • Color theory
  • Basic concepts
  • Beginning level guided drawing and painting techniques

Students who choose to enroll in our half day Kindergarten Enrichment program are in for an adventure!  

Through literature, art, song, and poetry, students will explore the wonders of the world around them.  In a typical day, you might find the students reading Marjorie Priceman's How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, studying a map about where the baker travels to find his ingredients, then studying Van Gogh's Still Life With Apples.  The study wouldn't be complete without eating apple pie too!  You can also frequently find the students exploring the open space around the school searching for animal and plant life to add to their nature and art notebook.  You don't want to miss it!

Kindergarten Enrichment

Arma Dei Academy offers half-day Kindergarten, M-F, 8:15 am – 12:30 pm. In addition, enrichment opportunities are available for students to extend their day to 3:35 p.m.

Space is limited.

Please contact Admissions with any questions.

1st Grade Curriculum


First graders are introduced to a survey of the New Testament. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is a critical component of the curriculum. The English Standard Version of the Bible is used for memory work while readings come from The Child’s Study Bible.


Overview of Early American History, Introduction to Colorado state history

  • Columbus
  • Pilgrims/Plymouth
  • Squanto
  • Pocahontas
  • George Washington
  • Paul Revere
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Civil War
  • George Washington
  • Carver
  • Buffalo Bill
  • Daniel Boone
  • Betsy Ross
  • Molly Brown

The First Grade presents an Early American History Festival in November.  As students study history, they learn the geography of the areas involved.  First Grade students learn the states and capitals through song and interactive maps.


Students are introduced to the power and beauty of story through quality literature selections. Literature read in first grade may include, but is not limited to the following books:

  • Elson Reader Book 1 (Lost Classics Book Company)
  • Miss Rumphius
  • Animal Folk Tales from America
  • The Courage of Sarah Noble
  • Prairie School
  • Little House in the Big Woods
  • Tale of Tom Kitten
  • Billy and Blaze
  • Billy and Blaze Forest Fire
  • Story about Ping
  • Keep the Lights Burning Abby
  • Stone Soup
  • The Little House
  • Tale of Town Mouse
  • Benjamin Bunny
  • Peter Rabbit
  • Lexi’s Hope
  • Treasures in the Snow
  • Little House on the Prairie
The Logic of English

At Arma Dei Academy we use Logic of English, a systematic, multi-sensory approach to learning how to read, spell, write, and learn  English grammar. The method is based upon 74 basic phonograms and 31 spelling rules that together explain 98% of English words. Learning these essential tools eliminates unnecessary ‘exceptions’ in spelling, explains hundreds of commonly misspelled words, and brings order to the English language.

The Logic of English Foundations C & D teaches:

  • 74 Basic phonograms
  • Silent Final E
  • Compound WordsTwo
  • Syllable Words
  • Three Syllable Words
  • Contractions
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Comprehension
  • Word Decoding
  • Reading fluency
  • 15 Spelling Rules
  • Prefixes
  • Suffixes
  • Contractions
  • Homographs
  • Parts of speech and punctuation
  • Classification of pattern one sentences
  • Complete sentences and simple paragraphs
  • Identify fragments and beginning editing

Learning To Read At Arma Dei (download) 

Cursive Penmanship

Cursive Penmanship Students develop beautiful penmanship through the practice of cursive handwriting using the Rhythm of Handwriting™ method.


Math in Focus 1: A Singapore Approach

Math in Focus answers the call for a coherent sequence of topics giving students time to master foundational topics, so that little repetition is required the next year. Thus, each grade level covers fewer topics but in more depth.

First Grade students will build an understanding of foundational math concepts through songs, rhymes, and hands-on activities.  They will also build conceptual knowledge and skill development through hands-on instruction and practice.

Concepts learned include place value, basic math facts, mental math, and geometry concepts.

  • Use concrete and pictorial models to create a set with a given number of objects (up to 100)
  • Group objects and numbers up to 100 in tens and ones.
  • Use cardinal numbers up to 100 and ordinal numbers up to 10th.
  • Use number bonds to represent number combinations.
  • Represent numbers to 100 on a number line.
  • Count to 100.
  • Count by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s forward and backward to 100.
  • Compare and order whole numbers to 100.
  • Compare and order using the terms same, more, fewer, greater than, less than, equal to, greatest, and least.
  • Use place value models and place value charts to represent numbers to 100.

Students learn about God’s creation: vertebrates, invertebrates, plant life, and the human body.

First grade students also spend time each semester participating in STEM activities in the science lab.


God Made Music 1

  • Introduction to music notation
  • Grand staff
  • Patriotic songs
  • Treble and bass clef signs
  • Major/Minor chord
  • IdentificationHalf
  • rest/whole rest/eighth note/two-eighth note
  • Music and composing of early American history and Colorado folk songs
  • Basic elements of art
  • Color theory
  • Beginning guided drawing and painting
  • Draw and paint artists from early American history
Art Appreciation and Character Education

Students spend time each week studying great works of art throughout the ages, analyzing them for style, technique, content, time period, and just pure enjoyment.  They then enjoy hearing stories from nature and history to learn about different character qualities they can see in themselves and others.

First grade students at Arma Dei Academy strengthen phonics, spelling, and reading skills through an in-depth systematic phonics program producing strong readers. Students learn about early American history with a focus on Colorado state history. Geography is an integral part of the history curriculum as well. Students continue their study of Math in Focus: A Singapore Approach coupled with a Classical Math review. Students mature in their cursive penmanship expertise and are introduced to English grammar.

2nd Grade Curriculum


God’s Great Covenant: Genesis to Ruth (Classical Academic Press)

  • Creation
  • Noah
  • Abraham
  • Joseph
  • Moses
  • The Tabernacle
  • Joshua

Each subject is taught from a biblical perspective at Arma Dei Academy. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of Scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is a critical component of the curriculum.


Second Graders begin their study of History at Creation, then move on to nomads, farmers, and ancient civilizations. We will study ancient sites such as the pyramids and the Great Wall then try making our own mummies and towering walls. Through studying the narratives of those before us, students better understand the world around them today. Geography study focuses on Africa and the Middle East, the areas discussed in history and the Bible. Through map work and song, students learn the geography of each region studied.

Veritas Old Testament and Ancient Egypt

The Story of The World Volume 1 (Bauer)

Ancient civilizations studied include:

  • Mesopotamia
  • Egypt
  • Africa
  • India
  • Ancient Americas
  • China
  • My Father’s Dragon (Gannett)
  • Boxcar Children (Warner)
  • Encyclopedia Brown (Sobol)
  • Owls in the Family (Mowat)
  • Charlotte’s Web (White)
  • A Child’s Garden of Verses (Stevenson)
  • Who Was King Tut? (Edwards)
  • Baby Island (Brink)
  • Winnie the Pooh (Milne)
The Logic of English

The Logic of English Essentials program improves the spelling and reading skills of all learners by providing linguistically accurate phonics instruction, spelling analysis, fluency practice, morphology and vocabulary development, grammar, and composition.

Logic of English Essentials, Level A

  • 75 Basic Phonograms & multiple advanced
  • Schwa: The Lazy Vowel
  • 31 Spelling Rules
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Grammar rules for capitalization, punctuation, classification, and usage

Learning To Read At Arma Dei (download) 

  • Morphology
Cursive Penmanship

Students develop beautiful penmanship through the practice of cursive handwriting using the multi-sensory Rhythm of Handwriting™ method integrated into the Logic of English.


Institute for Excellence in Writing

Students write vibrant sentences, paragraphs, and full narratives in second grade. They focus on retelling who, what, when, where, why, and how of works such as Aesop’s Fables. Beautiful poetry is introduced weekly and is used to bolster emerging writing skills as well.


Math in Focus 2: A Singapore Approach

Math in Focus answers the call for a coherent sequence of topics giving students time to master foundational topics, so that little repetition is required the next year. Thus, each grade level covers fewer topics but in more depth, and you won’t find all topics in every grade level.

Students will build conceptual knowledge and skill development through hands-on instruction and practice. Emphasis on problem-solving, skill consolidation, and a deep understanding.

  • Use concrete and pictorial models to create a set with a given number of objects (up to 1,000).
  • Group objects and numbers up to 1,000 into hundreds, tens, and ones.
  • Group objects into equal-sized groups.
  • Use place value models to create equivalent representations of numbers.
  • Represent numbers to 1,000 on a number line.
  • Count to 1,000.
  • Count by multiples of ones, tens, and hundreds.
  • Compare and order whole numbers to 1,000.
    Use <, >, and = to compare whole numbers.
  • Use base-ten models and place value charts to represent numbers to 1,000.
  • Solve multistep real-world problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division bar models.
  • Measurement, money, time, fractions, lines, shapes, and patterns

The Grammar of Biology (Hudson)

Students learn about God’s creation: vertebrates, invertebrates, plant life, and the human body. Second grade students also spend time each semester participating in STEM activities in the science lab.


God Made Music 2

  • Five Note Scale
  • Note Movement in melody
  • Quality and beauty in singing
  • Music of Egypt
  • Basic dynamics symbols and their meanings (piano, forte, diminuendo, crescendo)
  • Introduction to elements of shape
  • Color theory
  • Beginning level guided drawing techniques
  • Art projects based on historical time period.
Art Appreciation and Character Education

Students spend time each week studying great works of art throughout the ages, analyzing them for style, technique, content, time period, and just pure enjoyment. They then enjoy hearing stories from nature and history to learn about different character qualities they can see in themselves and others.

Second grade students at Arma Dei Academy begin a chronological study of history and Bible, beginning with the creation of the world. Works of literature that inspire imagination and character development are read and discussed. Grammar and writing skills are sharpened and enhanced through direct instruction, Logic of English, and the Institute for Excellence in Writing.

3rd Grade Curriculum


(Veritas Press), ESV Bible
The Veritas Press curriculum outlines major stories and events from approximately 1500 BC until 400BC.

  • Judges of Israel
  • Kings of Israel & Judah
  • Life of David
  • Solomon's Reign
  • Parables, Proverbs, and Psalms

Each subject is taught from a biblical perspective at Arma Dei Academy. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is a critical component of the curriculum. Students memorize passages from Ruth, Judges, I & II Samuel, Psalms, Proverbs, and I Kings.


New Testament, Greece, and Rome (Veritas Press)

  • Minoan Culture
  • Mycenaean Culture
  • Trojan War
  • Phoenicians & the
  • Alphabet
  • Homer & Greek Myths
  • The Olympics
  • Rise and Fall of Rome
  • Colonization of Greece
  • Democracy in Greece
  • Roman Republic
  • Persian Wars
  • Greek Philosophers
  • Alexander the Great
  • Reign of Julius Caesar
  • Birth-Ascension of Christ

The Third grade students present a Ancient Greece & Rome Festival in February.

Geography is taught throughout History, Bible, and Literature units.


Students discuss in depth the story elements of plot, setting, and characterization. Students also learn how to recognize, understand, and use figurative language such as metaphor, simile, inference, symbolism, and allegory.

  • Detectives in Togas (Winterfeld)
  • The Odyssey (Cross)
  • D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths
  • Aesop’s Fables
    Cleopatra by (Stanley & Vennema)
  • Homer Price by (McCloskey)
  • Misty of Chincoteague (Henry)
Logic of English/Grammar

Logic of English: A complete course in the structure of written English that enables students to read, spell, and write successfully is utilized in third grade. The program includes phonics instruction, spelling analysis, fluency practice, morphology, vocabulary, and composition.

Grammar Logic of English Essentials

Students master sentence classification and develop punctuation and editing skills
The eight parts of speech are taught and reinforced through song and question and answer flows. 

Learning To Read At Arma Dei (download)


Institute for Excellence in Writing
Students continue to write vibrant sentences, paragraphs, and full narratives in third grade. The complexity of students’ writing increases as they learn to incorporate a variety of sentence openers. Third grade focuses on retelling who, what, when, where, why, and how of Greek Myths and Aesop’s Fables.


Song School Latin (Classical Academic Press)


Students develop beautiful penmanship through the practice of cursive handwriting using the Rhythm of Handwriting method.


Math in Focus: A Singapore Approach
Multiplication Jingles through 9’s


The Grammar of Astronomy and Earth Science (Hudson)

Third grade students also spend time each semester participating in STEM activities in the science lab.

  • Planet Earth
  • Rocks & Fossils
  • Weather
  • The Solar System
  • Continents Poem
  • Elements of art
  • Color theory
  • Beginning level guided drawing and painting techniques
  • Recreate simple pieces of art from Greece and Rome

Introduction to the recorder

Counting in 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 Time

Intervals (step/skip; 2nds and 3rds)

Beginning composition and conducting

Ensemble and multi-instrument songs

Identify music alphabet on piano: ABCDEFG

Music and composing of

Greece and Rome

Recognition: flat, sharp, C, E, and G key signatures on staff

Students in third grade at Arma Dei Academy continue a chronological study of history and Bible focusing on Ancient Greece and Rome. Great works of literature that integrate with the historical time period are read, discussed, and analyzed. Grammar and writing skills are sharpened and enhanced through direct instruction, projects, and practice.

4th Grade Curriculum


Chronicles through Malachi and Job (Veritas Press)

  • Elijah and Elisha
  • Jonah
  • The Fall of Israel and
  • Judah
  • Major and Minor
  • Prophets
  • The Life of Daniel
  • Esther
  • Job

Each subject is taught from a biblical perspective at Arma Dei Academy. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is a critical component of the curriculum.


Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation (Veritas Press) Story of the World (Bauer)

  • Fall of Western Roman Empire
  • Rise of Christianity and
  • Byzantine Empire
  • Barbarian and Viking
  • Invasions
  • Rise of Islam
  • Feudalism
  • Holy Roman Empire and the Crusades
  • Renaissance
  • Reformation

Ecclesiastical Architectural Tour Students see the east/west schism in living history throughout downtown Denver.

Medieval Festival in April.

European Geography is taught throughout history, Bible & literature units.

  • Dangerous Journey (Pilgrim's Progress) (Bunyan)

  • Whipping Boy (Fleischman)

  • Dangerous Journey (Pilgrim’s Progress) (Bunyan)

  • Rolf & The Viking Bow (French) – Read Aloud

  • The Door in the Wall (de Angeli)

  • Beowulf the Warrior (Serrailier)

  • Robin Hood (Green)

  • ‘Crispin (Avi)

  • Shakespeare Stealer (Blackwood)

  • I, Juan De Pareja (de Trevino)

Song and Poetry

  • Illumina O Culos Meos
  • Of the Father’s Love Begotten
  • Dona Nobis Pacem


Memorized Portions

  • Beowulf (Old English)
  • Canterbury Tales (Middle English), Chaucer
  • Band of Brothers (Early Modern English), Shakespeare

Shurley English Made Easy & Institute for Excellence in Writing
Students master five sentence patterns as well as sharpen editing skills, subject/verb agreement, and verb tense consistency.

Learning To Read At Arma Dei (download) 


Latin for Children A (Classical Academic Press)
Libellus de Historia: Latin History Reader (Moore)


Extracted from literature & integrated in composition.

Cursive Penmanship

Students develop beautiful penmanship through the practice of cursive writing.


Using the principles and methodology of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, students learn how to use words to engage the imagination of the audience. IEW builds on the principle of learning by imitation and incrementally teaches students to write with clear structure and compelling style.


Math in Focus: A Singapore Approach


Chemistry for The Grammar Stage

  • Chemistry and the periodic table of elements
  • The Elements (Lehrer)
  • Scientific method taught and applied during labs
  • Engineering design process of projects
  • Labs and engineering projects correlate with curriculum and provide hands-on learning of specific content

God Made Music 4

  • Reading Music and Harmonizing
  • Two part harmony
  • Reading music on the staff
  • Singing rounds and story songs
  • Identification of 4th - 8th intervals
  • Music and composing of the studied historical period
  • Identification of treble and bass clef staff notes in key of C

Choral Music

  • Rhythm recognition
  • Ear training
  • Introduction of elements of shape
  • Practice of straight lines, curved lines, angle lines, circles, and dots
  • Beginning level guided drawing and painting techniques
  • Draw and paint artists from the Medieval Period
  • Recreate simple pieces of art from the Medieval Period
  • Complete a canvas painting

Students in fourth grade at Arma Dei Academy continue a chronological study of history and Bible focusing on the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Great works of literature that integrate with the historical time period are read, discussed, and analyzed. Grammar and writing skills are sharpened and enhanced through direct instruction and application of the Institute for Excellence in Writing principles and methodology.

5th Grade Curriculum


Bible Gospels (Veritas Press)

  • Birth & Ministry of John the Baptist
  • Birth of Jesus
  • Ministry of Jesus
  • Miracles and Parables
  • Death, Crucifixion and Resurrection
  • Great Commission

Each subject is taught from a biblical perspective at Arma Dei Academy. While each day opens with prayer and a formal study of scripture, biblical discussion is not limited to a particular class period. Scripture memory is an integral component of the curriculum.


American History; Explorers-Civil War

  • Exploring the Americas
  • Colonial America
  • Creating a Nation
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Launching the Republic
  • Nationalism/Sectionalism
  • Civil War and Reconstruction

Students participate in a colonial Interaction simulation during STEM. Colonial groups select cargo and sail to the New World where they encounter the hardships and decisions that many of the colonial settlers faced.

Fifth grade students will present a colonial celebration festival in the second semester.

Geography is integrated throughout Bible, history, and literature.

  • Voyage to Freedom by David (Gay)
  • Witch of Blackbird Pond (Speare)
  • Sign of the Beaver (Speare)
  • Calico Captive (Speare)
  • Johnny Tremain (Forbes)
  • Carry on Mr. Bowditch (Latham)
  • Salt (Frost)
  • Little Britches (Moody)

Fifth grade students at Arma Dei regularly engage with poetry through corporate reading, discussion, and memorization. Poems include, but are not limited to:

  • Eldorado (Poe)
  • Columbus (Miller)
  • Paul Revere’s Ride (Longfellow)
  • Independence Bell (Anonymous)

Shurley English Made Easy & Institute for Excellence in Writing

Students master five sentence patterns as well as sharpen editing skills, subject/verb agreement, and tense consistency.


Latin for Children B (Classical Academic Press)
Libellus de Historia: Latin History Reader (Moore)


Extracted from literature and integrated in composition.


Students continue to develop beautiful penmanship through the practice and application of cursive handwriting.


Using the principles and methodology of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, students learn how to use words to engage the imagination of the audience. IEW builds on the principle of learning by imitation and incrementally teaches students to write with clear structure and compelling style. Students write across the curriculum and move from imitation to innovation.


Math in Focus: A Singapore Approach


The Grammar of Physics; Physics: Investigate the Mechanics of Nature (Gardner)

  • Scientific method taught and applied during labs
  • Engineering design process of projects
  • Labs and engineering projects correlate with curriculum and provide hands-on learning of specific content

Fifth grade students also spend time each semester participating in STEM activities in the science lab.

  • Elements of art
    Review color theory
  • Practice guided drawing and painting techniques
  • Draw and paint artists from the Colonial Period.
  • Recreate simple pieces of art form the Colonial Period

God Made Music 5

  • Writing lyrics
  • Periods of music
  • Introduction to opera
  • Composition of original melody
  • Three-part harmony and descant
  • Choral excellence and vocal precision
  • Expanded orchestra instrument knowledge
  • Composer study with song and listening samples
  • Music of the studied historical period
Physical Education

Introduces students to fitness through exploration and participation in team and individual sports.

Students in fifth grade at Arma Dei Academy continue a chronological study of history and geography focusing on European explorers and early American history through 1900. Great works of literature that integrate with the historical time period are read, discussed, and analyzed. The Bible curriculum spans the Gospels. Grammar and writing skills are sharpened and enhanced through direct instruction and application of the Institute for Excellence in Writing principles and methodology.