Open House Registration
Experience Arma Dei Academy
You’re invited to experience Arma Dei by attending an in-person Open House on one of the following dates below. By attending, you will gain a better understanding of the distinctives of classical Christian education, learn more about the Christ-centered culture, observe classes, experience the joyful environment of our school, browse through curriculum, speak with teachers and administrators, and ask questions of current parents.
The 2-hour program begins at 8:30 am and concludes at 10:30 am. Our desire for you is to have this opportunity to experience Arma Dei Academy and to dedicate the time and attention needed as you approach the vital decision of where to educate your children. Because the format of this event is not designed for younger students under the age of 11, we encourage parents of younger children to secure childcare. Rising 6th through 12th-grade students are encouraged to attend with their parents.