Our 9th-grade students greatly enjoyed their academic capstone trip to London, England, from April 30 to May 7. Students spent the bulk of their time in London itself, where they were able to visit some of the city’s world-famous museums and collections (e.g., the British Museum, the British Library, and the Victoria and Albert Museum) as well as historic buildings and landmarks (St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Kensington Palace, London Tower, London Bridge, etc.). They also enjoyed day trips to Oxford (where they strolled in the footsteps of Lewis and Tolkein on Addison’s Walk behind Magdalen College), Bath (where they explored the remains of the ancient Roman Baths), and Canterbury (where they explored the crypt and quire of England’s principal cathedral). Getting to watch Mary Poppins on stage in Soho and wander along the white cliffs of Dover were added bonuses! In short, the time in London was academically rich and incredibly fun, although students agreed that the unexpected diversion to Dallas on the return flight added little of real value to the overall experience.