The culture of Arma Dei Academy is a direct product of faculty committed to Arma Dei’s mission. The administration, teachers, and support staff at Arma Dei are committed to equipping the students God has entrusted to their care for lives of Christlike service to God and others. That fact necessarily produces a culture where students are consistently reminded of Christ’s sacrificial service to his people and encouraged to emulate Christ in concrete acts of sacrificial service to one another. The pending addition of a School of Rhetoric at Arma Dei will provide faculty scope to put the finishing touches on students, equipping them to love and serve not only each other but the entire world as God has first loved and served us and the world (John 3:16). How will Arma Dei students serve the entire world? By entering into it, in every conceivable sphere, with the tools necessary to think and speak clearly about God, themselves, and this world; the tools necessary, that is, to “speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). Our world, so full of sound bytes, half-truths, and blatant lies, desperately needs individuals to serve it in exactly this way, by speaking the truth in love (i.e., with rhetorical power tempered by transcendent love).
Jesus Christ, during a very famous conversation with his disciples, promised his people that Hell’s gates would not prevail against them (Matt. 16:18). Christians too often assume a purely defensive posture against this world, trying merely to survive it’s onslaught. But Christ paints a picture in which Hell itself will increasingly be forced to assume a defensive posture against Christians. Gates, after all, are hardly an offensive weapon. No one runs forward in battle swinging gates! Christ assumed that Christians would take the battle directly to Hell itself, combatting Hell’s lies with the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Gospel. Arma Dei’s goal is, quite simply, that Arma Dei graduates would lead the charge upon Hell for generations to come, and so, God willing, rescue not only individuals but also institutions and entire cultures from the physical, mental, and emotional slavery that Hell imposes upon all within its reach. May God bless Arma Dei’s efforts to shape students toward that end, both in the existing Schools of Grammar and Logic, and, as of 2021-2022, in the School of Rhetoric!
If you desire a classical Christian education for your rising ninth-grade student at Arma Dei Academy, please do not delay beginning the enrollment process. Please contact admissions by phone (303) 596-0522 or email at