Why a Classical Christian Education?

Why is it that in general, students today read at a lower level, reason less clearly, and are more receptive than ever to the misinformation constantly bombarding them? Why is it that Christian students are ill prepared to defend what they believe and often drift from their biblical moorings? Educationally, how has this country lost its way? Has it always been this way or did teachers of past generations educate children differently? What is missing? These were some of the concerns addressed by Dorothy Sayers, student at Oxford who delivered a 1947 landmark essay entitled, The Lost Tools of Learning. Since…


Wish List

ITEM PRICE TOTAL RAISED REMAINING Operating Fund $100,000 $100,000 $8,724 $91,276 Tuition Assistance $25,000 $25,000 $- $25,000 Fresh Flowers $50 $450 $- $450 Great Books of the Western World $887 $887 $887 $- More P.E. Equipment & Facility Rental $2,000 $2,000 $- $2,000 Tool kit $100 $100 $- $100 Set of iPads for Logic School $849 $13,587 $10,000 $3,587 $142,024 $19,611 $122,413


Reading to our children

Brain research is fascinating.  And the fact that more research has been done on the physical brain in the last 30 years than in all the years before is a wonder. Early educator books on brain research and its relation to the growing, maturing brain were insightful reads.  Dr. Jane Healey's books, Endangered Minds and Your Child's Growing Mind cautioned against too much television and video games. It begged the question, what can parents and educators do to stimulate and foster lively, developing brains in children and students? In those books, we grew to appreciate Albert Einstein donating his physical brain…


Arma Dei Academy is off to a great start!

Thanks to the many efforts of parents, students, faculty and staff, the school year has begun peacefully and in order. Learning is underway in each classroom; we have already seen 8th Grade students constructing DNA models, making certain the correct nucleotide bases were linked together.  Fourth grade students have encountered Pilgrim's sojourn to the Celestial City.  Second and third graders are discovering Latin is alive and sixth graders are on a raft down the Mississippi river with Huck and Jim.   And so much more! If you attended the school picnic last Friday, you probably got acquainted with some of the sixty families now educating…


Why Choose a Classical & Christian Education for Your Child?

Why Choose a Classical & Christian Education for Your Child? Classical Christian schools provide the best possible education, while helping students reach their God-given potential. Age specific K–8th grade learning Arma Dei Academy, a classical Christian school, cooperates with the student’s God-given strengths at each stage of growth. Young learners enjoy memorizing, singing rhymes and recitations laying a solid foundation in each subject.  Logic level students are inquisitive, so they are trained to reason and discern truth through all that they learn. Thus, students know what they believe and can positively impact their community. Time-tested method and content Arma Dei Academy equips…


Amazing start of the 2014-2015 school year

What an amazing start to the school year! Sixty-eight students representing forty-three families filled the halls of Arma Dei Academy, ready to go! Already we have heard about Science experiments detailing bubble gum’s sugar content, the Trojan War, Pilgrim’s journeying to the Celestial City with his very heavy burden, Latin in the world around us and so much more! Lunchtime in the Dining Room is a sight to behold with the faculty and student body filling ten large tables. What a wonder! A big thank you to parents for a seamless carline before and after school. Our hearts are full of…