In this season of Thanksgiving and Celebration, I’m thankful each day for the good gifts our LORD has given us. Most of all, I’m thankful for the gift of Christ coming into the world, the Word become flesh. I’m also thankful for the blessings of family and children, and the joy of working within and for a community of families committed to following the LORD.
As I reflect on the past six months, I’m deeply grateful for the warm welcome I’ve received from the Arma Dei community. Arma Dei has a unique and precious culture—I see this reflected in the smiles and laughter of our students each day, the 2000+ hours of service our parents have put in just this year, and in the committed faculty who delight in investing in the hearts, minds, and souls of our students.
Finally, I’m thankful for the generosity of all who have come together to contribute to the Phase 1 Capital Campaign. I’m excited about what the LORD has in store for Arma Dei in the months and years to come. We continue to meet new families wanting a classical Christian education for their children. Phase 1 opens the door for these families, while also helping us to better serve our current families.
Next Friday, January 5th, please join us for a special chapel and ceremonial groundbreaking as we give thanks to the LORD for his provision and many blessings.
Mr. Stephen Taylor
Head of School