Arma Dei Academy Families and Friends,
How will you remember 2020? As much of the world eagerly awaits its close, Arma Dei Academy celebrates as we recount the faithfulness and abundant blessings of the LORD. We are incredibly grateful. Unlike millions of children around the country, the students of Arma Dei still enter the “wardrobe doors” each morning. For a few hours each day, the challenges and distractions of the world are shut out, and the growing, shaping, and forming of the heart and mind continues. Students learn to view the world through a broader lens; one that traces the fingerprints of Jesus Christ throughout history, even in seasons of difficulty. Great ideas are contemplated, students wrestle with challenging topics, iron sharpens iron, and wonder is cultivated. Students’ affections are shaped as they learn to appreciate things once taken for granted. Gratefulness permeates the hearts and minds of students, faculty, and families as they discover, like Chesterson, that “thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
Classical Christian education withstands the test of time and continues to transform the hearts and minds of students and parents – in good times, in bad times, and even during a pandemic. Families are growing. Students are growing. Arma Dei Academy is growing.
- Relationships are strengthening. Students and faculty have met face-to-face since August 17, allowing authentic relationships to develop.
- Students are learning. The overwhelming majority of teachers report that classes are curricularly on track or ahead of pace, despite the many layers of required COVID protocol.
- Programs are thriving. The unique culture of Arma Dei Academy continues to flourish through programs and creative activities that enhance the mission and vision of the school, including the 8th-grade retreat, house system, field trips, mountaineering day, opportunities for Logic leadership, and extracurricular activities.
- Partnerships are growing. The population of students and families served in 2020 has increased by 50% across our Preschool, K-8 program, and Collaborative Homeschool program. The Collaborative Homeschool program has also extended its reach by serving students in grades 1-4.
- Programs are being launched. With 20 applicants, Arma Dei Academy’s School of Rhetoric is poised to open in the fall of 2020.
- Facilities are expanding. A new 24,250 sq.ft. state-of-the-art facility is nearing completion, with a certificate of occupancy expected in early January 2021.
Come grow with us! Seeds are being planted. Deep roots are taking hold. Saplings are being watered as we strive to walk faithfully in submission to the LORD. May we be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified (Isaiah 61:3). Please consider joining us and sowing into the lives of the students and families at Arma Dei Academy by participating in our Grateful for Growth year-end giving campaign. Generous donors have committed to doubling your gift dollar for dollar up to $250,000. You have the opportunity to choose how you want to support Arma Dei’s growth and development. Click on the donate link below for more details.
With gratitude and thanksgiving,
Jen Wenger